Tuesday, June 26, 2012



Anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are two different concepts. Too often, those who defend Israel and its policies will cry "racism" and "antisemitism" when their beliefs are challenged.

People with higher order thinking will understand the difference. We must try to reduce emotionality when discussing this crucial political threat.

Israelis may say, "Who is the U.S. to criticize us about colonialism and expansionism when they did the same against Native Americans?" Good question. 
We were wrong. We, as a nation, also committed genocide. We, therefore, know whereof we speak. Many of us feel guilty and regretful about this time in US history.

However, two wrongs...

It is understandable that, after the holocaust, Jews would do everything in their power never again to let such monstrous events happen to them. But at any cost? "The Nazis did it to us; we will do it to the Palestinians" attitude demonstrates a very low-level morality, in my opinion. 

The attitude stems from the "eye for an eye" law in Judaism. (I love the quote in "Fiddler on the Roof" when Tevia says, "Then what? We all end up blind and toothless?!")

Dear Jewish people, we know, we know; we have heard about it, read about it, watched movies about it (greatly disproportionate to other crimes of genocide). We see the power and influence you have created and continue to wield.

It is not difficult to understand your anger, your pain, and your resolve to survive. However, surviving at all costs, perhaps at the cost of world peace (?!) may accomplish the ultimate decimation of Israel--now that's ironic! That is a type of wounded insanity. Your solutions will only benefit the very politically connected and rich few.

Israel must stop committing crimes they have accused others of perpetrating against them. They must heal their emotional wounds; they must learn to forgive. (Forgiveness is not only a Christian concept!) Unless they do, Israel's people will continue to support the aberrant policies of Zionism that will lead the world to war--again!

Perhaps many Israelis are already blind, taking revenge and committing to whatever it takes to increase Israel's strength and security. 

It is very difficult for us to understand, much less condone, the reasons why they would create, knowingly and willingly, this potential for world destruction! It seems like a sickness: Self-sabotage? Extreme narcissism? Self-hatred? Sociopathy?

Some Jews are aware of the dangers Israel is causing;  however, others seem ignorant of them and have tunnel vision about their "rightful" place in the world. 

They need to stop acting like victims, lashing out, trying to control others, and thereby becoming as evil as those who perpetrated against them. 

The Israeli issue is not really about the past. Unfortunately, however, I believe that politicians and others will continue to take advantage of peoples' emotions to harness and keep support for the Zionist agenda.

We, the other citizens of the world, need to withdraw support from this insane Zionist scheme. We need more rational, levelheaded people to tackle these issues and prevent ultimate disaster.

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